バーゼル国際歌曲コンクール 2025

 Basel International Lieder / Song Vocal Competition 2025

弊会では 2020年より、国際オンラインコンクールを制作し、全世界の声楽家のレパートリー&技術を毎年分析して参りました。国内では滅多にない、世界歌曲コンクールの制作を決意し、本日、発表できることを、心より感謝の想いです。





受賞者は、2024年秋 10月18日に東京オペラシティリサイタルホールにて開催される、バーゼル音楽祭に招待され、優秀な音楽家には賞金と証明書が授与されます。
一般社団法人 Supraleitung Methode Japan
Dear Everyone,
We hope, you will active as musican in the world.
Shortly the deadline of application of Basel International Online Music Competition for Piano, Violin, Flute, Harp.
This year too will be evaluated by the very famous classic music professors in the world. It's a really wonderful opportunity, please share it with your friends, academies, and schools regarding our competition.
We are looking forward to your participate!!
Attention Please enter by 11:59 PM on July 15th, 2024 (Japan time)
The prize winners will be invited to the Basel Music Festival in fall 2024 on the 18th of October at Tokyo Operacity Recitalhall and we award the top musicians prize money and certificates.
Best wishes
Committee of Basel International Online Music Competition
General Incorporated Association Supraleitung Methode Japan

スイス式発声法主催 ヴォーカルコンテスト開催の意義

世界ではさまざまなコンクールが開催される中、弊会でコンクールを開催する意義について、述べます。30年以上に亘り、スイス・バーゼルにて声楽発声研究を続けられるEdit女史の元には、喉を酷使し、喉にトラブルを抱える歌手や、公演中のケアのため、呼吸法や発声法のブラッシュアップする方、色々な悩みを抱えた世界中の歌手が、Edit女史のスタジオへ訪れます。トラブルの原因は一体どこにあるのか... 声のマエストロであるEdit女史、同じメソードを学び、世界で活躍する審査員により、審査いたします。わたしたちは、権威で審査判断はいたしません。また、大きな曲や大声を求めていません。喉が喜ぶ、正しい発声と呼吸を手に入れた、またはこれからますます発展する可能性を秘めた参加者へ、ふさわしい賞を授与いたします。

EDIT SIEGFRIED-SZABO 国際ヴォーカルコンテスト 2023

要項ダウンロード      エントリーformrun   締切11月5日まで
Application Guideline dowonload   ENTRY  until November 5th,2023 
Supraleitung Methode創設者、Edit Siegfried-Szabo女史によるヴォーカルコンテスト、特徴はクラシック音楽のみならず、今求められているクロスオーバー、ミュージカル、ポップス、ジャズ、シャンソン、カンツォーネの中から ジャンルを組み合わせて、個性を発揮することができます。年齢も幅広く、部門を用意しております。奮って参加ください。

EDIT SIEGFRIED-SZABO 国際ヴォーカルコンテスト 2023 


結果発表:令和5年11月30日 → 12月7日 延期

応募資格:学歴・国籍 不問


自由曲 :10分以内 (2曲 提出すること)ジャンルの組み合わせは自由



年齢:A. 9歳以下   B. 10-13歳 C. 14-17歳 D. 18-21歳 E. 22-25歳

         F.  26歳- 29歳  G. 30歳- 35歳  H. 36歳- 40歳   I.  41歳- 45歳 

         J.  46歳- 50歳  K. 51歳-55歳 L. 56歳- 60歳   M. 61歳以上~


審査員 Jruy  (Supraleitung Methode 認定教師)

Edit Siegfreid-Szabo

Charisma of Voice                                      

The founder of Supraleitung Methode

Soprano, diploma in voice in 1990 at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel. The Supraleitung Methode was developed during her long years of teaching and research. Her first book “Supraleitung: der Wer zur Mitte” was published in 2017 by BoD.de.

Das Schauspiel des Lebens' is her second book, which was published in 2018. (BoD.de)The book was also musicalized in crossover style, and was published as 'Das Schauspiel des Lebens' in February 2020.  Her third book, 'Bewusstes Singen,' is a professional vocal instruction book.

She regularly posts videos on YouTube about her method. Her charisma and leadership have attracted more and more attention from the world.


Edit Siegfried-Szaboは、世界的に名声のあるムジークアカデミー、バーゼル・スコラ・カントルムにてソプラノ歌手として声楽ディプロマ取得。数十年間に亘る声楽指導及び研究活動を経て、Supraleitung Methode 新メソッドを確立した。第1冊目『Der Weg zur Mitte』は、2017年にBOD出版から刊行。バーゼル大学医学部の参考書として、専門家から高い評価を得る。第2冊目『 Das Schauspiel des Lebens 』は、2018年同出版社より出版された。両本のオリジナルテキストの一部はクラシックとポップスのクロスオーバーによって作曲、 10曲から編成され、2020年2月刊行。定期的に出版物やYoutub上にて、知覚して歌う事、声帯の使い方や声帯のトラブル、声嗄れ、ヒステリー球の治療方法について公開している。第3冊目の本『Bewusstes Singen』Supraleitung Methode 声楽教則本を2020年12月に発売し、本年よりEDIT SIEGFRID-SZABO ヴォーカルコンテストの開催が決定した。バーゼル国際声楽コンクールの誕生は、Noriko Kawamuraと共に創設し、世界30カ国以上のエントリー者が参加する、グローバル国際音楽コンクールとして一躍を浴びている。




Noriko Kawamura - mezzo-soprano

Organizer, Opera Singer

Board Chairman of General Incorporated Association Supraleitung Methode Japan, Chairman of Basel International Online Music Competition

She studied voice at the Tokyo University of the Arts (graduated in 2008) and graduated from the 53rd year Nikikai Opera Studio in 2009.

She performed as both an opera singer and concert singer at famous Concerthall. At the Nagoya Opera / Tokyo she has participated in numerous performances including the roles of: Kundry in "Parsifal", Brangäne in "Tristan und Isolde", Orlofsky in "Die Fledermaus", title role in "Carmen" etc. From 2015 to 2019, she continued her training in Europe, a recommendation from the conductor Jun Märkl.

In August 2016, she sang Waltraute from "Götterdämmerung"as part of the Bayreuth Festival at the Opera Master Class under the direction of KS Siegfried Jerusalem. In 2017 she gave her first recital under the sponsorship of the Falkenstein Society with Pianist-Costin Filipoiu. In 2018 she performed at the Herbstmusiktage Bad Urach.

She received appreciative reviews in the German press and became known to German audiences. She also gave guest performances in Bolzano / Italy and Sibiu / Romania. She took part in opera master classes of world-famous chamber singers such as Christa Ludwig, Renate Behle, Brigitte Fassbänder, Siegfried Jerusalem, Vesselina Kasarova, Charlotte Lehmann in various European cities and deepened her singing technique and interpretation under their guidance. 

In 2018 she completed a diploma (BTS Method in Basel) under training under Edith Siegfried Sabo

She experienced as Jury International Rumania Music Competition in 2019, Bel Canto Singing Competition in 2021, 2022.( for outstanding commitment and execellent performance in teaching)

In 2021, under the official approval of the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, the Basel International Vocal Competition will be produced, and it will be a successful online competition with entries from 25 countries around the world. Since then, She has also  produced piano, violin, harp, and flute competitions, contributing to global music education.

In 2022, she successfully interpreted for the world-famous mezzo-soprano Vesselina Kasarova's masterclass in Nagoya. In October 2023, she will again produce Kasarova's masterclass in Tokyo.

She is also active as a German interpreter in the field of vocal music. She is trusted by European musicians and she regularly invites European musicians to Japan.


Brigitte Schweizer

singer * actress * vocal coach

born and raised in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, Brigitte Schweizer, is now living nearby Olten, Switzerland. 

She is regularly invited as soloist of several opera productions and festivals in Switzerland, Germany and France.

In addition to her work on the opera stage, Ms. Schweizer is an accomplished concert soloist, performing regularly with distinguished concert groups. 

Maintaining an active recital schedule, she dedicates herself to the performance of lesser known song and concert repertoire as well as to the permièring of various new works (opera, oratory and „Lied“) and crossover projects.

For many years Brigitte Schweizer has been coaching Bachelor and Master students and professional singers and actors of varying levels and backgrounds - from classical to modern music.



賞金:グランプリ 1000EUR 全総額 3000EUR   上位入賞者へ賞金分配

副賞:特別賞  Edit Siegfried-Szabo オンラインマスターコース授業料免除



参加料金:A. ~ E. 12,500円  F. G.  13,500円   H. I. J. 13,500円 K. L. M.  14,500円



・原則的にformrun system 経由によるオンライン申請のみ受け付ける


・お願い formrun system  及び、baselvocalconcours@gmail.com からのメール受信ができるようにすること(迷惑メールに受信されないように、必ず確認すること)

・年齢証明(学生証・運転免許証・パスポート等) 及び参加料払込書のコピーを添付















・動画はYoutubeまたはbili bilbili上にアップロードされたURLを送ること(YouTubeの場合、プライバシー設定を限定公開に設定すること)





・お願い 著作権を伴う曲目を演奏する場合、各自で必ず責任を持って申請すること



・ジャンルの組み合わせは自由 任意

(2曲とも同ジャンル、または1曲目クラシック音楽、2曲目 クロスオーバー ジャンル等 )










銀行:GMOあおぞらネット銀行 口座番号:1211700

科目:普通 支店名:法人営業部

口座名義人:シャ)スープラ ライトウング メトーデ ジャパン

または PayPal決済








 賞状発行希望の場合、別途 3,500円(郵送料込み)





 『Edit Siegfried-Szabo 国際ヴォーカルコンテスト 2023』に帰属する



















共催:一般社団法人Supraleitung Methode Japan

後援:Supraleitung Methode スイス支部






EDIT SIEGFRIED-SZABO International Online Vocal Contest 2023

Entry period: July 5th, 2023 ~  November 5th,2023

Results announcement: November 30th, 2023

Participants: The Contest is open for all nations

Screening Format: Entirely online (YouTube or Bilibili)

Free Repertoire: 10 minutes (Submit 2 songs) any combination of genres


Genre: Classical, Pops, Musical, Chanson, Jazz, Crossover


Age: a. 9 years old and under    b. 10-13 years old    c. 14-17 years old

        d. 18-21 years old    e. 22-25 years old   f. 26-29 years old     

        g. 30-35 years old    h. 36-40 years old   i. 41-45 years old    

        j. 46-50 years old     k. 51-55 years old 

        l. 56-60 years old     m. 61 years old and above



Charisma of Voice  The founder of Supraleitung Methode  

Soprano, diploma in voice in 1990 at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel. The Supraleitung Methode was developed during her long years of teaching and research. Her first book “Supraleitung: der Wer zur Mitte” was published in 2017 by BoD.de.

Das Schauspiel des Lebens' is her second book, which was published in 2018. (BoD.de)The book was also musicalized in crossover style, and was published as 'Das Schauspiel des Lebens' in February 2020.

Her third book, 'Bewusstes Singen,' is a professional vocal instruction book.

She regularly posts videos on YouTube about her method. 

Her charisma and leadership have attracted more and more attention from the world. 



Noriko Kawamura    Mezzo- soprano, Board Chairman of General Incorporated Association Supraleitung Methode Japan, Chairman of Basel International Online Music Competition


Round: One round


Prize money: Grand Prix 1000 EUR,Total Prize 3000EUR  Prize will be distributed to top winners

Special Award…Edit Siegfried-Szabo Online Master Course Exemption


Participation fee: a. ~ e. 75EUR    f. and g. 80 EUR   h. ~ j. 85EUR

k.~ m.  90EU     by PayPal 



How to apply 

  • In general, we only accept online applications via the "formrun system”
  • Please make sure that you can receive emails from “formrun system” and “baselvocalconcours@gmail.com ”(Please be sure to check your email to ensure that it is not received in your spam mail.)
  • Proof of age verification (student ID, driver's license, passport, etc.) and a copy of the application form must be attached.
  • The application of minor musicians must be filled and submitted by their parents or legal guardianship.
  • Age limit for each category refers to the applicant's age at the time of application deadline.
  • Videos should basically be recorded after January 2022.
  • The performance must be recorded with the accompaniment of an electronic piano, piano, orchestra, chamber music, jazz band, etc. and must be submitted as a video.
  • A cappella songs are also allowed.
  • Depending on the genre, you may sing with a microphone.
  • The performance must be recorded in a music studio, salon, large/small hall, practice room, at home, etc.      
  • All the pieces must be performed from memory.
  • The whole silhouette as well as hands of the contestants must be clearly visible.
  • In principle, video footage added to audio recordings only is not permitted. (Do not record separately.)
  • The state of the recording will also be taken into consideration in the screening process.
  • The performance video should be sent as a YouTube link. (please make sure to change the privacy setting to “unlisted”).  (For Bilibili, only public settings)
  • Keep to the designated performance time for each category.
  • The video should be recorded at an adjustable volume.
  • Applicants who wish to perform copyrighted works must individually apply for and obtain performance rights in advance.(Since copyright laws differ from country to country, if you perform a copyrighted work, you must apply in advance and pay for it yourself.) 
  • It is allowed to submit one video or as separate ones for each piece.
  •  The combination of genres is free ( one Song opera aria, one Song Musical etc…)
  • It is not allowed to reupload or make changes to the videos after submitting the application.
  • It is not allowed to delete videos without instructions after the application has been submitted.
  • The order of application does not affect the  results.
  • Please prepare your application and recordings well in advance.
  • If an error occurs during the web application process, please send the application form by email.
  • Incomplete entries may result in point reductions.
  • Be sure to check for updates on the competition website.


Terms of Participation

  • The copyright of all content regarding the competition published on the internet, newspapers, magazines and other media belongs to “Edit Siegfried-Szabo Online Vocal Contest 2023”.
  • Applications will only be accepted via online application form (formrun system). 
  • The results must be confirmed individually by the contestants on our website.
  • A detailed feedback from the jury will be sent via email approximately one months after the end of the competition.
  • The Executive committee reserves the right, at its discretion, not to award the prize, to change the rules, or to reduce or split the prize money among multiple entrants. 
  • The prize money will be transferred by wire transfer within two months after the competition.
  • In case of overseas transfer, prize money will be awarded in total of the written amount including transaction fees. 
  • The performance videos of the prize winners will be open to the public. (Privacy settings of the videos uploaded on YouTube must be changed from “unlisted” to “public”.)
  • If the performance video is deleted without instruction during the competition period, the contestant will be disqualified from the competition.
  • If the video is deleted without instruction after the prize money has been awarded, the prize money will be returned and the prize will be forfeited.
  • In the event that a contestant is found to have misrepresented his or her age or educational background, the contestant will be disqualified from the competition and the prize will be forfeited.
  • In case of force major (natural disaster, war, civil war, etc.), the competition may be canceled.
  • The application period may be postponed depending on the situation with COVID-19.
  • The Executive Committee has a right to change the terms and conditions if world conditions require such a change.
  • Personal information of all contestants will be strictly managed by the Executive Committee.
  • After the application is submitted, no refunds will be accepted for any reason.
  • No objections to the scoring method, prize money, or other inquiries will be accepted.





General Incorporated Association Supraleitung Methode Japan 




世界のメゾソプラノ 宮廷歌手 Vesselina Kasarova